| 1. | Announcement cancellation of subscription agreement dated 14 5 2003 公告取消于14 5 2003所订立之认购协议 |
| 2. | Announcement update on status of subscription agreement dated 14 5 2003 公告有关于14 5 2003所订立认购协议之最新情况 |
| 3. | If the condition is not satisfied before the long stop date of the first tranche completion , the subscription agreement will terminate 倘若此项条件未能在第一期完成之最后完成日期前达成,认购协议将告终止。 |
| 4. | Such restrictions apply during the period commencing on the date of the subscription agreement and ending on the date 6 months after the date of the first tranche completion 此等限制将适用于认购协议日起至第一期完成日期后足6个月之日止期间。 |
| 5. | Please mark your name , phone number and e - mail address at the back of the pay - in slip and mail / fax it to us together with this completed subscription agreement 请于您的银行存款单背页写上您的姓名、电话及电邮地址,连同填妥的订阅合约邮寄或传真给我们。 |
| 6. | Depending upon the number of shares to be subscribed by the subscriber pursuant to the subscription agreement , the subscriber may acquire a controlling interest in the company for the purposes of the takeovers code 视乎认购人根据认购协议认购之股份数目而定,认购人可能会购入收购守则所指之本公司控股权益。 |
| 7. | Motorola agreed to hold the ordinary shares of dvn that are acquired pursuant to the subscription agreement for one year after completion of the first tranche investment , subject to certain conditions remaining satisfied during that period 摩托罗拉同意,在完成认购协议的第一期投资后,持有该批天地数码之普通股至少一年(期间需符合若干馀下条件) 。 |
| 8. | Motorola agreed to hold the ordinary shares of dvn that are acquired pursuant to the subscription agreement for one year after completion of the first tranche investment , subject to certain conditions remaining satisfied during that period 摩托罗拉同意,在完成认购协议的第一期投资后,持有该批天地数码之普通股至少一年。根据协议,摩托罗拉可委任一名代表加入天地数码之董事会。 |
| 9. | Pursuant to a subscription agreement entered into between dvn and a subsidiary of motorola , motorola may invest up to a maximum of us $ 33 million in four tranches ( equivalent to approximately hk $ 257 . 4 million ) , of which us $ 18 million is at motorola s discretion 根据天地数码与摩托罗拉旗下附属公司所订立的股份认购协议,摩托罗拉将分四期投资合共最高3 , 300万美元(约相等于2 . 574亿港元)认购天地数码之股份,摩托罗拉拥有其中1 , 800万美元投资额的决定权。 |
| 10. | An independent board committee will be established by the company to advise the independent shareholders as to whether the terms of the subscription agreement , the whitewash waiver , the purchases to be made in each of the years ending 31 december 2004 , 2005 and 2006 , the purchase caps , the transactions to be made in each of the years ending 31 december 2004 , 2005 and 2006 and the transactions caps are fair and reasonable so far as the disinterested and independent shareholders are concerned 本公司将成立独立董事委员会以就认购协议清洗豁免之条款将于截至二零零四年二零零五年及二零零六年十二月三十一日止三年各年作出之购货购货上限将于截至二零零四年二零零五年及二零零六年十二月三十一日止各年度进行之交易以及交易上限对并无利害关系独立股东来说是否公平合理而提供意见。 |